
Commissions are only open during school breaks and during summer.
A S K - M E !

Color Background - $ 15

Can be a solid color or an color window, would take less time than a photo background.

Photo Background - $ 25

Photo backgrounds deal with setting, which, im not the best at, especially with buildings. I charge more for this as I want less demand for these or at least enough money to motivate me that its worth it.

Badge - $ 15

Usually chibi's and head shots with thick outlines and an transparent background. Can be made in MS Paint.

Sticker - $ 15

Stickers can be almost anything you want, but its basically just a bundle of badges with one full body badge.

Gif - $ 25

Gifs take a lot of time and are hard to make and render. It will most likely leave me in some sort of burnout afterwards so I charge a bit more for gifs.

Animation - $ 50 or Nitro

Animations are the hardest and most time-consuming things to make, render, edit, etc. I don't always have the ability to remove watermarks sometimes and it can prove problematic. I try my best though. You can pay for animation with either $ 50 or by the use of Nitro.

Multi-Character - $ 35

Multiple characters you have to pay $ 35 because you're asking to double all of the processes which will most likely take a month at the very least and I don't have a lot of time on my hands, so prepare to be patient !

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